Loan Program Information
Cinnaire has launched the Jumpstart Wilmington Loan Program to provide financing for acquisition and renovation of residential and commercial mixed-use properties in Wilmington neighborhoods. The Loan Program is available to both experienced and novice developers who have completed the Jumpstart Wilmington Training Program.
The Jumpstart Wilmington loan process is similar to a bank process to help prepare aspiring developers for future funding from traditional banking institutions. Jumpstart Wilmington requires loan applicants to complete an online application and attach a pro forma, comps, and construction budget.
Cinnaire is more than just a bank. We are a non-traditional, mission-driven community development lender that will help you compete in a competitive real estate market and guide you along the way. Our goal is to work with the Jumpstart Wilmington community to reduce blight, build wealth locally and encourage neighborhood revitalization and stabilization.
Apply for financing
Resources to Support Your Project Planning
Once you've downloaded and completed these forms, please click here to send to Tomyra Raiford, Program Manager, Community Development, at Cinnaire.

About Jumpstart Wilmington
Jumpstart Wilmington was launched to help Wilmington residents and people committed to revitalizing Wilmington become developers of their own neighborhood through quality, community-focused real estate development training and financing options. Our program is modeled after the original Jumpstart Germantown Program, which was created by Ken Weinstein to facilitate the revitalization of the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia through high quality residential renovations.
Increased local developer capacity in Wilmington is the key to scaling development activity and revitalizing communities more rapidly. We see residents and people socially invested in Wilmington communities as the best resource for neighborhood revitalization, as many have potential to effect positive change in their neighborhoods. Jumpstart Wilmington can provide aspiring developers who live in Wilmington communities with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to rehabilitate key properties, one at a time. In the absence of established real estate developers willing to invest in smaller scale projects, this program will cultivate a force of new local developers who currently reside in Wilmington or have a commitment to improving Wilmington neighborhoods.