Kickstart Session: Incentives for Developing Historic Properties in Wilmington

Kickstart Sessions complement the Jumpstart Wilmington program and offer information around specific topics related to the development process. Register now for our next Kickstart Session coming up on January 24th – Incentives for Developing Historic Properties in Wilmington.

Come join us to learn about the various tax credit incentives available for developers who are interested in rehabilitating local historic or national register properties. Incentive programs that will be covered include:

  • Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive
  • Delaware Historic Preservation Tax Credits
  • City of Wilmington Property Tax Abatement Program for Historic Structures
  • Delaware Preservation Fund

To better understand the content that will be presented, please review the following documents prior to this session:

  • City of Wilmington Historic District
  • Historic Wilmington: A Guide to Districts and Buildings on the National Register of Historic Places
  • Incentive Programs for National Register Properties

Please register by January 20th to ensure receipt of the Zoom link needed to attend this session. We look forward to seeing you on January 24th!



About the Speaker

Debra Martin serves as Historic Preservation Planner for the City of Wilmington, Department of Planning and Development. After a somewhat nomadic career in archaeology in the Middle Atlantic area, she shifted to historic preservation to avoid working outside all winter long.

As a member of the Preservation Trades Network, Debra has absorbed workshops in historic window repair, painting, masonry repointing, flat plastering, wood identification, and slate and wood shingle roofing, and has used that knowledge to advise constituents and to create practical guides for homeowners. She and her husband have lived in both a brand new “vinyl palace” townhouse, and a ca. 1850 vernacular, frame house in a National Register Historic District, and can speak to the challenges and joys of both. They have first-hand knowledge of using the state historic preservation tax credits and the Delaware Preservation Fund to help with projects over the past 20 years.

“The greenest building is the one that’s already built.” – Carl Elephante