Kickstart Session: Evaluating the Real Estate Market

Please join us for our next Kickstart Session presented by Jumpstart Wilmington!

Assembling Your Project Financing with Robert Snowberger

Monday, April 12th, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. EDT

Kickstart Sessions complement the Jumpstart Wilmington program and offer information around specific topics related to the development process.

Beth Beckett, President of Real Estate Strategies, Inc., with over 30 years of real estate market analysis experience in the mid-Atlantic region, will share her expertise in evaluating the market for proposed real estate developments.

Topics will include:

  • What is real estate market analysis and how can it help developers?
  • Market analysis deconstructed:
    • Location and site characteristics
    • Economic and demographic trends
    • Project-specific demand
    • Competitive supply
    • Putting it all together
  • Finding, collecting, and confirming market data

Please click here to register by April 8th to ensure receipt of the Zoom link needed to attend this session. We look forward to seeing you on April 12th!