Jumpstart Wilmington Featured in Delaware News Journal

Why this developer training program wants to get Wilmington homes into local hands

“A lot of the developers – affordable, nonprofit, for-profit – they all said we need more developers. How often do you hear people say, ‘We want more competition?’ There is so much vacancy and blight within Wilmington, our existing development community is saying we can’t do it alone.” – Dionna Sargent, Cinnaire Vice President, Community Development

Click here to check out a great article highlighting Jumpstart Wilmington to learn what inspired Dionna to launch the program to help Wilmington residents become developers of their own neighborhoods, then hear how Wilmington Councilwoman Bregetta Fields is working to help Jumpstart Wilmington graduates revitalize properties to become developers of their own neighborhoods. We are grateful to Councilwoman Fields for her advocacy and leadership on behalf of Jumpstart Wilmington!

Shoutout to Jumpstart Wilmington graduates Quincy Watkins and Cassandra Sifford, and also Pitt Pass Development, for sitting down with the Delaware News Journal to share their insights and experiences with the program. We’re grateful to our graduates, speakers, mentors, and all our partners who make Jumpstart Wilmington a successful program!

Click here to view the article in the Delaware News Journal!