
Spotlighting Graduates & Presenters 

Read about our Jumpstart Wilmington graduates and presenters, the projects they are working on and the ways they support our cohorts!

Jumpstart Wilmington Graduates:

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Cordaro Rhodes, October 2020 Cohort 

Sultan Taskin, November 2022 Cohort

Cassandra Sifford, November 2021 Cohort

Peter Zoltowski, February 2022 Cohort

Marva Hammond, August 2021 Cohort

Nasr Mohamed, February 2022 Cohort

Marcus Thomas, May 2021 Cohort

Charly Bass, May 2022 Cohort

Vernon Stevenson, November 2022 Cohort

Ron Stephenson, May 2022 Cohort

Kyle Trent & Denis Davis, November 2022 Cohort

Ivey Ibrahim, October 2020 Cohort

Jumpstart Wilmington Presenters:

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Stephanie Griffin, Director, DE State Housing Authority 

Robert "Bob" Weir, Director Dept. of Real Estate & Housing, City of Wilmington

Jeffrey Starkey, Commissioner of Licenses & Inspections,
City of Wilmington

Kevin Smith, CEO, Habitat for Humanity - NCC

Joy Barrist, Partner, Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP

Jumpstart Grad holding JSW sign in front of their rehab house

About Jumpstart Wilmington

Jumpstart Wilmington was launched to help Wilmington residents and people committed to revitalizing Wilmington become developers of their own neighborhood through quality, community-focused real estate development training and financing options. Our program is modeled after the original Jumpstart Germantown Program, which was created by Ken Weinstein to facilitate the revitalization of the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia through high quality residential renovations.

Increased local developer capacity in Wilmington is the key to scaling development activity and revitalizing communities more rapidly. We see residents and people socially invested in Wilmington communities as the best resource for neighborhood revitalization, as many have potential to effect positive change in their neighborhoods. Jumpstart Wilmington can provide aspiring developers who live in Wilmington communities with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to rehabilitate key properties, one at a time. In the absence of established real estate developers willing to invest in smaller scale projects, this program will cultivate a force of new local developers who currently reside in Wilmington or have a commitment to improving Wilmington neighborhoods.