Recordings and Podcasts

Kickstart session Recordings and Podcast Recommendations

In addition to our 14-hour training program, members of our developer network are invited to attend our complementary Kickstart Sessions.
Kickstart Sessions focus on specific development topics and are open to the broader development community. Below are recordings of our Kickstart Sessions.
Links to Podcasts are also below, providing the opportunity to listen to experts discussing topics of interest to the development community.

Kickstart Session Recordings

Understanding the Development Process:
February 2021

Assembling Your Project Financing:
March 2021

Evaluating the Real Estate Market:
April 2021

The Value of Architects and Engineers in Project Planning, Design & Construction:
June 2021

Navigating Wilmington's Zoning Board of Adjustment:
July 2021

Project Sequencing for Developers:
August 2021

Tools to Create Efficiencies in the Developmental Process:
November 2021

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