JumpStart Wilmington Cohort 4 – Orientation

JumpStart Wilmington’s 4th Cohort orientation session will be held on Monday, August 2. Participation in Jumpstart Wilmington Cohort 4 training sessions is exclusive to those who applied and were accepted to this specific cohort. For more information on how to apply for future cohorts, click here.

JumpStart Wilmington Cohort 4 – Session 1

JumpStart Wilmington's 4th Cohort training session begins Thursday, Aug. 5. Agenda: JumpStep 1: Minding Your Business JumpStep 2: Development Strategy & Team Participation in Jumpstart Wilmington Cohort 4 training sessions is exclusive to those who applied and were accepted to this specific cohort. For more information on how to apply for future cohorts, click here.

JumpStart Wilmington Cohort 4 – Session 2

JumpStart Wilmington’s 4th Cohort Training Session 2 takes place on Thursday, Aug. 12. Agenda: JumpStep 3: Source a Property JumpStep 4: Do Your Due Diligence JumpStep 5: Find Your Financing Participation in Jumpstart Wilmington Cohort 4 training sessions is exclusive to those who applied and were accepted to this specific cohort. For more information on how […]

Kickstart Session: Project Sequencing for Developers


August’s Kickstart Session will feature Chris Laurent, President of Cinnaire Solutions, explaining the importance of project sequencing and the developer’s decision-making process. Project sequencing helps to determine when to select a project for development based on feasibility of the deal. This process also allows a developer to determine the priority in which a project should […]

JumpStart Wilmington Cohort 4 – Session 3

JumpStart Wilmington’s 4th Cohort Training Session 3 takes place on Thursday, Aug. 19. Agenda: Jumpstep 6: Develop Design & Procure Permits Jumpstep 7: Understanding City Department and Other Resources Participation in Jumpstart Wilmington Cohort 4 training sessions is exclusive to those who applied and were accepted to this specific cohort. For more information on how to […]

JumpStart Wilmington Cohort 4 – Session 4

JumpStart Wilmington’s 4th Cohort Training Session 4 takes place on Thursday, Aug. 26. Agenda: Jumpstep 7: Understanding City Departments & Other Resources Jumpstep 8: Customize Construction Jumpstep 9: Lease/Manage/Sell Property Participation in Jumpstart Wilmington Cohort 4 training sessions is exclusive to those who applied and were accepted to this specific cohort. For more information on how […]